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Introduction to Ansible

Published Thu Mar 10 2022

Tags: cli ansible devops automation

More automation! Ansible is a great tool to automate the configuration and handling of your computers. I have to admit I put off looking into Ansible for the longest time, simply because I underestimated how powerful it is! At the surface it seems like just another configuration management tool, but it is not just a way of running shell scripts like some may get you to believe. It comes with great tooling, and have great features that help you get going fast. In this article I will focus on the complete basics to get you started, and there will be features I won't cover here. Hopefully you will be aqainted with a few terms, and get some links that will help you explore these features further. Are you ready to learn the best automation tool for setting up computers?

Ansible is often described as a configuration management tool, but solves several problems:

So instead of using different tools to solve these problems, we can use Ansible for all of them (at least the first two!). Pretty neat!

Some of you may wonder, why not use Puppet or Chef instead for at least some of these tasks? The answer for me is simple, Ansible doesn't require anything to be on the hosts you are interacting with, except Python 3. No daemon, which both Puppet and Chef requires.

If you want to play with Ansible, I can recommend running it against a virtual machine either locally or from a cloud provider. The easiest way locally is to use Vagrant, which is what I'm using. You can also use a physical machine you have available. The most important aspect is that you have access via SSH.

What can Ansible be used for?

We mentioned configuration management and deployments, so it can obviously be used to manage your machines (physical, virtual etc.). You might just brush this off, but think of some possible use cases first (some are not obvious):

  • Setting up each machine in an infrastructure. Sometimes the cloud provider doesn't have exactly what we want, and we want to set up a virtual machine (VM). All of the big cloud providers give you an option to set up your own VM.
  • Some organizations may not be able to use public clouds, and may need to set up things themselves by running different commands on their servers. Ansible is great for this.
  • Setting up Raspberry Pis (or other small computers) to do what you want (Kubernetes clusters, databases, dashboards, DNS servers, web servers, other setups of various tools)
  • Your own local setup. Each time you have to reinstall your OS, it is a hazzle to set up everything. There is always some tool you forget at the beginning. What about setting up an Ansible playbook for it? I found this inspiring playbook to set up a Mac.
  • Building containers for Docker (or other container runtimes).
  • Writing Kubernetes operators using the Operator SDK.
  • Ad-hoc execution of commands on all the computers you are handling (to check available ram etc.). Useful for extra monitoring where needed (obviously you have dashboards and tools most of the time, but it can still prove useful).

So if you still thought of Ansible as a boring configuration tool before this list, you have hopefully changed your mind now ;)

Basics of Ansible

We have already introduced Ansible as a configuration management system, but what more do we need to know before we start using it for something? The most important file we need is something called an inventory file. An inventory file describes the machines we will connect to, as well as information on them like user names, SSH key to use (on your local filesystem) and more depending on your needs. (there are also more ways to configuring Ansible that you can look into, but for now we will keep it simple). The machines are divided into groups, which can contain one or more machines. Groups are what we are working with in Ansible, when describing where to run our commands.

Inventory files can be ini or yaml files, but I usually make ini-configuration files. One possible example can look like this:

[ubuntu] ansible_user=vagrant ansible_ssh_private_key_file=.vagrant/machines/ubuntu/parallels/private_key

Or with multiple machines and groups:

[server] ansible_user=server ansible_ssh_private_key_file=server_ssh_key



Here you also see a new concept of variables in action, which we will see more of in later sections. Because both the worker machines share the same information, we can define them in a common variable section.

Ad-hoc tasks execution

We have an inventory file, we so we can finally start using Ansible for something! Using it for ad-hoc task execution can be a very handy way of running commands on multiple machines. Let us look at some examples.

A common task is to check the free/available RAM on each machine. Usually we would log into each machine with SSH, but with Ansible we can run it on all our machines at the same time thanks to the inventory file!

ansible -i inventory.ini all -a "free -m"

If we wanted to run it only on the worker group from the inventory file above, we would use worker in place of all:

ansible -i inventory.ini worker -a "free -m"

What about installing a program like git on all servers, and making sure it's the latest version?

ansible -i inventory.ini all -m package -a "name=git state=latest"

The -m option denotes the module we run, which is by default the command module. We will dive deeper into modules in the next section on playbooks.

If you run the above commands, you will see some hosts giving a status of changed and some giving a status of ok. This is meant to signal if the state on the server was changed or not. If you just run shell commands directly, it will always report changed (as Ansible has no chance to know if state was changed or not). The modules, like package, on the other hand will report this correctly (e.g, if package is already the latest version, you will see ok as the status).

Configuration management - Playbooks

While running commands on the server ad-hoc is great, the main strength of Ansible is its playbooks. Why? When we run commands on various servers, we can quickly make unicorn servers. A unicorn server is a server we can't reproduce quickly if something goes wrong (trust me, you will quickly forget a step or two you did manually). Automating the setup, and maintenance of servers, will avoid this problems and make them easier for you to handle.

A playbook contains one or more plays, where a play is a series of tasks. You can also have handlers, which run operations when a change has occurred (usually to restart services when needed or similar. Different types of tasks will be discussed later. For now, let's look at how a playbook is structured:

- hosts: host-group
  # tasks, handlers, roles and more

- name: Runs on all hosts
  hosts: all
  # tasks, handlers, roles and more

As you can see, the names are optional. We will see examples on the content of the plays in the example sections. I always learn best from examples, so hopefully you do too.

A playbook is run with the ansible-playbook command:

ansible-playboook -i inventory.ini playbook.yml

Where playbook.yml is our playbook file and inventory.ini is our inventory configuration.

A best practice for Ansible playbooks is to build them idempotent. Idempotency simply means that running something multiple times should have the same result as running it once. No failures the second time, no changes etc. Testing tools, which I will briefly explain later, test for this being the case.

Ansible playbooks have expressions like variables, basic string operations etc., and you can also use template files (e.g, for configuration of webservers with dynamic variables). For those operations, Jinja2 templating is used. Jinja contains many different constructs, which you may get use for, so recommend that you bookmark the documentation for when it may happen :) You may notice these expressions when seeing mustaches {{ }} in the files.

Example: Installing Emacs and setting up my configuration

For our first example, let's do the most important initial setup I do on new computers: installing and configuring Emacs! To make it as simple as possible, let's just assume that package caches are updated and ready for use.

- hosts: all
  become: true

    - name: Make sure Emacs is installed
	  - emacs
	  - git
	state: present

    - name: Download Emacs  config
      become: false
	dest: ~/.emacs.d

(this assumes that the user who we have configured in the inventory file is the user who will use the emacs config)

Here we have two tasks; installing Emacs and Git, and cloning my git config into the users home directory (the user we configured in our inventory). You might notice the become: true and become: false, which denotes if a task should be run as the root user or not (true for root user, false for the normal user). If you don't have password-less sudo access, you will have to run your playbook with the –ask-become-pass option.

The two modules used here is package and git, which both have away more options than used here. Package is a generic package management module, that will use the operating systems underlying package manager to do its work. If you need more advanced package management operations that are exclusive to your package manager (updating cache where needed etc.), there are packages for others as well (e.g, homebrew, apt, and yum). From above we see that, with the current settings, the module makes sure the packages are present on the system. If they are, then we do nothing (i.e, no changes), and if they're not we install them.

The git module works as you would expect: clones the git repository to the selected destination. If we don't always want the newest version from origin, we could add the update: no option.

Example: FTP server

Next, let's make it a bit more advanced to introduce more concepts. We'll make a simple FTP server. Let's update package caches if we use a Debian based system (because apt requires that we have updated package archives to install a program).

- hosts: all
  become: true

    username: ftpuser

    - name: Update package archives (Debian-based)
	update_cache: true
	cache_valid_time: 7200
      when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"

    - name: Set up user we want to use for FTP access
	name: "{{ username }}"
	password: "{{ username | password_hash('sha512', 'saltval') }}"
	state: present

    - import_tasks: ftp_server_tasks.yml

(a better way to handle the password would be to use something like Ansible Vault)

You might wonder how the tasks from the import_tasks operation looks like? Just a lists of tasks to do:

- name: Install vsftpd
  package: name=vsftpd state=present

- name: Make sure bftpd is started and active at startup
  service: name=vsftpd state=started enabled=true

You might have noticed the variable ansible_os_family above. How do Ansible know which operating system family their hosts have? Do you have to set it yourself? No, you don't! If you have tried running a playbook, you might have noticed a stage called gather facts. In this stage, Ansible collects facts about your system and populates various variables. You can also run this step manually using the setup module and see all the information Ansible collects in this stage:

ansible -i inventory.ini mygroup -m setup 

You might also notice that we declare a username variable above? Ansible provides many different ways of creating and interacting with variables.

We are also introduced to two new modules above: user and service. The user module handles exactly that, users, and in this case we make sure a user account is present. If it is not, we make it with the given password (here hashed with the password_hash operation). Service will in the case above make sure the service is started and enabled at startup.

Beyond those features, the other features probably explains themselves. when runs something when a given condition is true, and Ansible provides you with several such conditional to control the flow of your playbooks. We also see the import_tasks above, and there are several ways we can put our tasks in separate files. import_tasks are done during playbook initialization, while include_tasks are done during execution, so we would use include_tasks if we depended on dynamic variables above (i.e, created during execution)

Example: Setting up user accounts and Emacs for each, variable amount of users

So far we've seen a several features, and got them explained briefly. In this section, we will look at a loop construct, specifically with_items. In my own playbooks I usually use with_items or with_indexed_items, but loop does the same in a more modern way.

- hosts: all
  become: true

      - themkat
      - arttheclown
      - leatherface

    - name: Make sure Emacs is installed
	  - emacs
	  - git
	 state: present

     - name: set up users
	 name: ""
       with_items: ""

     - name: Download Emacs  config
	 dest: "/home/.emacs.d"
       with_items: ""

Here we iterate on the users variable, running the module user and git for each of them. The end result is that the users themkat, arttheclown and leatherface all have themkat's Emacs setup ready to be used! (authors remark: I'm indeed very happy I don't share any computers with Art the Clown or Leatherface…)

Modules and extra tools to make playbooks

There are many Ansible modules you can use, and if you don't find what you need you will probably find it in a collection (see below). Some useful highlights include:

  • package, apt, yum
  • user
  • file (creating/touching files, making directory, setting modes etc.)
  • lineinfile (edits single lines in files, and make sure they are at in given state. Uses regular expressions to find the line to edit, and adds it if its not present)
  • template (make a file from a Jinja2 template. Useful to configure various programs like webservers)
  • get_uri (download a file to the server. Can include checksums to validate correctness)
  • service
  • k8s and k8s_info (handling of Kubernetes clusters)

There are one very useful thing we have not covered above: setting environment variables. This is quite simple in Ansible, just add a environment section in addition to the name and module, and fill it with the name and values or your environment variables.

The interested reader might also check out blocks, which provide logical groupings. If you need fault tolerance like rollbacks, they also provide a try-catch-finally like structure to use (i.e, try=try to do something, catch=do if it fails, finally=always do).

Inventory plugins

Maybe you manage a lot of computers, create new ones quickly, and find it tedious to update your inventory file? It grows big too! Do I really need to write all my IPs/hostnames in a file? No! There are actually plugins that can help you dynamically fetch the inventory based on certain parameters. Also, AWS EC2 plugin, Azure plugin, and many more exists, even if you sometimes have to use ansible-galaxy to install them. Maybe you have tagged your virtual machine or something similar to identify them? Then use those specific tags to put them into host groups, and you are all set!

If you can't find what you are looking for somewhere else, you can always make your own!

Testing playbooks?

There are indeed tools you can use to test your playbooks, and to work in a more test driven approach. My approach so far has been the following:

  1. Use a virtual machine to define the basic setup. Here I use yamllint and ansible-lint to fix basic best practices and possible issues (ansible-lint is quite clever here!).
  2. Use Molecule to write basic tests, fix idempotency issues missed earlier, make sure that setup works possibly more bare bones setups than the VMs etc. Molecule config is YAML, and the tests themselves are written in Ansible Playbook syntax. You may wonder what the it tests your playbooks on? You can choose VMs (using Vagrant), containers (using Docker) or probably something else. I use Docker for my tests, and it works great.

Testing playbooks is a topic in itself, so to not clutter up the entire article we will save that for a possible later article :) I will say that yamllint and ansible-lint together filters out the worst syntax related mistakes, and ansible-lint also checks for some best practices that can help you avoid mistakes.

Roles and collections

Both roles and collection can be installed and handled with the ansible-galaxy tool.

Roles are "packages" of tasks we can import. Think of it as include_tasks on steroids! A role we use can have its own variables, files, templates etc., making it a powerful way of making the closest thing we have to "Ansible packages". To use a role, we simply install it with ansible-galaxy, and use it like this in our play:

- host: myhost

    - namespace.rolename

That's it! Then all tasks in the namespace.rolename role will run!

Collections are, like the name suggests, collections of roles, plugins, modules and similar. Why do we need it when we have roles? Roles can have plugins included after all… Well, roles are not really made for that, but are made for executing tasks (i.e, it happens at default when importing roles in a playbook). Collections, on the other hand, makes including different resource types easier. If that sounds interesting, I suggest reading the documentation. Collections, like roles, is a topic in itself, and I would not make it justice in a single blog article.

Further reading and resources

Hopefully you now know the basics of Ansible, and have some links for gaining more knowledge. To learn Ansible, I think the best resource is Jeff Geerling's book Ansible for Devops. If you prefer videos, he has also done a Ansible 101 video series. These resources covers almost everything you would like to know. To really learn Ansible you have to play around with it as well off course.

Some of you may be asking: Is Ansible still useful in a cloud native environment? Do we still need to manage computers? Jeff Geerling has also written a very interesting article on that. The answer is yes! You may not always get what you need from managed services on cloud platforms, and may need to set things up yourself in virtual machines. Ansible can also be used to manage your own Kubernetes clusters, create container images, make operators and more. So even if you are not maintaining your own machines, there are use cases for it in this cloud native world.

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