Posts with tag: java

Want to get a job as a backend developer? - Learn these topics now!

Fri Aug 18 2023

Sometimes I get questions on how to learn the skills necessary to get a backend programmer job. That is exactly my aim for this article: to give you a set of terms, keywords and knowledge to get started on your journey. My hope is that you know what you need to learn after reading on.

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Should you read Designing Data-Intensive Applications? - A short book review

Mon Jan 17 2022

You may have seen the book Designing Data-Intensive Applications mentioned several places, and wondered if you should read it. I have to admit I bought it years ago, and read parts of it (got side-tracked and researched graph databases further, and read something else). Last Christmas holiday I picked it up again, and this time I finished it. It covers many topics, ranging from how databases are designed, to how we can design good stream processing systems. Should you read it? Continue reading the review to find out!

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What's the big deal with Reactive?

Thu Dec 16 2021

Reactive is a buzzword thrown around a lot, but what is it really? At first glance, reactive doesn't seem to be anything special. Asynchronous stream processing seems nice, but is that all? Fortunately, the answer is no! Reactive also includes nonblocking IO, which makes resource utilization better. If you have never heard any of these terms before, it may just seem like a word-soup. Don't worry! We will explain the terms below, so you can understand the big whoop with reactive. Getting an overview of the concepts will be the main goal here, but I will provide links for further reading. Some oversimplification may happen, but I hope that it will help you understand concepts without being boggled in buzzwords and lots of pre-requisite knowledge.

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Scripting on the JVM?!? JBang and Kscript!

Wed Nov 10 2021

Did you know that you can use Java and Kotlin for scripting? In this post I will introduce you to my favorite ways of doing scripting on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which is JBang and KScript. Some people may not enjoy Java projects as much because of all the verbosity (big project structures), so small scripts may make the languages more approachable and less intimidating. Being able to easily handle all external dependencies in the same file (no extra configuration files!) is also a big bonus. Lately I've heard from several people that they did not know about JBang, so I guess that might be true for KScript as well. Hope this post will provide you with some information on them, as well as good links to get started!

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Spring Boot - Easy customizations for your applications!

Wed Oct 20 2021

In this article I will show you two types of easy customizations you can do with your Spring Boot applications. One of them can be very useful, and one is mostly cosmetic for the benefit of those seeing the server logs. This article is language agnostic, so it can be used for all programming languages you might make Spring Boot applications in (probably Java or Kotlin).

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Java ServiceLoader - What it is, and how to use

Sat Oct 16 2021

ServiceLoader (aka Service Provider) is a feature that has been in Java since Java 1.3, but many people still don't know about it. The reason I think most people don't know about it, is that they use various dependency injection frameworks for the same kinds of problems. ServiceLoader can supplement these kinds of solutions, or be used as a replacement, you decide based upon the problem you are solving. Think of ServiceLoader as another tool in your toolbox. Some people like to think of it as a built in very simplistic dependency injection system.

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Become a Maven ninja!

Mon Oct 11 2021

Today we are going to look at some small tricks that will make you more effective when using Maven! Some of this will be simple, and some of them you might not have heard about. I've done some presentations at work and similar earlier about this, and there is almost always something new to people. The topics range from basic usage and flags, to ways of handling your dependencies. One or two might be a bit enterprise specific, but most can be useful no matter if you program inside a company or not. (no secret that I love those of you who, like myself, LOVE computers with a burning passion! <3 )

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Java - Rethrow/wrap or log exceptions!

Sun Oct 04 2020

This probably seems like common sense to a lot of you, but it is quite easy to forget. I try to do it in my own code, but when reviewing other peoples code I forget to think about it 90 % of the time! Sometimes you don't rethrow the exception because the cause seems clear cut in all scenarios. Some of the time, we simply throw a new exception with an error code or message, and think that if we get that exception later, we will know what caused it. That may not always be the case.

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Books that boost your programming career (Java developer edition)

Mon Sep 07 2020

In this article I will share some books that helped me most in the beginning of my professional career. Even though I have programmed in my spare time for many years before getting a job, I think that programming in an enterprise is way different! Learning to cooperate with more people, reviewing code, seeing patterns in code, bigger codebases. tools and technologies that you may not use on your own, and so on! The books I will share are mostly technology agnostic, as I think patterns help way more than learning specific libraries, frameworks and tools. Learning about design patterns, how to write clean code, and how to write maintainable code are far more useful than learning many different tools and libraries. Why? Because when you learn patterns, you will see these patterns in many new libraries and tools you learn, and therefore learn them faster! I will also say that learning to think differently can help a lot, because it makes it easier for you to learn new things in the future.

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